For more information on all utilities in the Pagosa Springs Area, visit pagosautilities.com.
In most of Aspen Springs, the water table (where water is extracted through a well) is dense in hydrogen sulfide (sulfur), and it is very difficult to filter out. Filtration systems are available at a high cost and require a significant amount of maintenance as sulfur is corrosive. Existing wells vary greatly in the quantity and quality of the water they deliver. Water quality should be tested before committing to purchasing a well in the Aspen Springs Subdivision.
Justice Water Systems Inc: justicewater.com 970-731-1200
DAK Well Service & Drilling:dakdrilling.com 970-247-9685
Many residents use an underground cistern for their domestic water needs. The average onsite cistern holds approximately 1,500-1,800 gallons of water and costs about $770-$2,000.
Justice Water Systems Inc:justicewater.com 970-731-1200
Water Hauling
Aspen Springs is not within the Pagosa Area Water and Sanitation District, and few lots are served by a small, private community well and distribution system close to State Highway 160 on the south side. There are water delivery services available, or you can haul water yourself from one of the three fill stations in the Pagosa Springs area in a truck or trailer-pulled cistern.
Pagosa Area Water and Sanitation District (PAWSD):pawsd.org 970-731-2691
The Water Runner:thewaterrunner.com 970-731-5022
Perez Water Hauling:facebook.com/perezwaterhauling 970-264-3000
In Aspen Springs, wastewater treatment is done by individual septic systems. Installation costs range from $8,000 to $25,000 and vary depending on several factors (type of system, home size, lot size, soil conditions, etc.). Design and installations of septic systems need to comply with San Juan Basin Health Department requirements. For more information on septic systems, visit: ecosafewastewater.com/HomeOwner or ecosafewastewater.com/SepticSystems
San Juan Basin Public Health Department:sjbpublichealth.org 970-335-2052
Eco-Safe Wastewater LLC: ecosafewastewater.com 970-264-6755
Davis Engineering Service: daveng.com 970-264-5055
Best Septic: best-septic.com 970-823-BEST (2378)
Utilities have not been installed through all of Aspen Springs. La Plata Electric Association (LPEA) will inform you on whether they have extended power to the area you consider. Contact CenturyLink to verify whether telephone service lines have been installed as well.
La Plata Electric Association:lpea.coop 970-247-5786
CenturyLink:centurylink.com 1-855-675-3713
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Engel & Volkers 286 Pagosa St, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 970-264-7000